Covering the Earth in prayer since 2003.

Need Prayer?

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Dear Lord, will there be pancakes, eggplant parmigiana, and tart donuts like Krispy Kreme use to have in Heaven?

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Dear Lord, please meet Your people at each point of need and heart’s desires. In Jesus’Name. Amen.

  • Prayer request from bree

    i pray that i will become a much happier person today . Amen

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Rhonda needs healing from her brain down to her toes due to stroke, heart attack, and diabetes.

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Mike needs healing from diabetes and a healing miracle in his kidneys to avoid dialysis and a kidney transplant.

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Mark needs a healing miracle from prostate cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes and other areas.

  • Prayer request from Please pray

    Grace to conquer and anointing to overcome marine kingdom manipulates fashion, products, and celebrities to influence lives.
    Give us injection of strategies planning Practical steps to fortify our home and remove spiritual and my children daily

  • Prayer request from Please pray

    Grace injection grace of Self delivernce from any wicked politicians system
    Strongholds, advisors, officials by power of Holy spirit of God daily
    Increase capabilities of Shield against corruption Carrier daily

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to bless the World with Spiritual Heavenly Fort/Fortress Strongholds, Armors, Living Water Strongholds, Water Stone Strongholds, Blessings etc. God bless!

  • Prayer request from Becky

    Please pray for our daughter Christina. She is to have surgery for thyroid cancer. Pray that her surgery is successful, healed of cancer, and she has no metastasis. Thank you.