Covering the Earth in prayer since 2003.

Need Prayer?

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

  • Prayer request from Anthony Sirianni

    Pray for God to deliver and purify False Spiritual Bible, Christian Book and Similar Strongholds and Books. For Him to Replace them with His Heavenly Choices. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Francis

    My wife’s mother and sister come to visit, thought against my wishes, as it was underhanded from the start. Once here my wife changed 19yrs of marriage, just turned into he’ll. My wife Jezrel sister sexually abused our youngest daughter Ezraela(11yrs old). Jezrel said she made it up, the aunt said I put words in her mouth. We were in a Airbnb i

  • Prayer request from Steven

    Lord you know my mom’s situation with William at work I pray you bring light to the situation and that he is found at fault with in his position and singling out my mom with all theses lies. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I ask your will be done. Amen

  • Prayer request from Joanna

    My name is Joanna please pray for my healing from gum inflammation and recovery I have upcoming dental appointments for treatment plan.Im standing already in Gods word for my complete healing thank you for praying God bless you.

  • Prayer request from Anthony Sirianni

    Pray for God to bless the World with Spiritual Heavenly Grand Teton Canyon Strongholds, Armors, Blessings, Living Water Strongholds, Water Stone Strongholds etc. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from ROSLYN

    My mom and I had a verbal blow up where I told the truth about how she made me feel growing up into adulthood. In my attempt to get free of this burden she denied everything and even called me an evil liar . I feel guilty but shouldn’t. Pray for her to see and acknowledge her wrong.

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    I need prayer regarding Mental Stronghold when it comes to Eating! I want to be free! Thank you

  • Prayer request from Virginia

    Please pray in love for Maddie who is a very sick child. Please pray for doctors to find out what is wrong. Thank you for caring!

  • Prayer request from chuck

    Asking for truly infinite vast oceans of ever increasingly more deep,intensive,thorough,all pervasive,encompassing,permanent growth: Absolute mastery & command & supreme adeptness in: all aspects of Spanish, piano, keyboard, composition, rhythm,meter, all scales, all scale tone chords, musictheory, writing Heavenly guided & inspiring: Prose, poetry

  • Prayer request from chuck

    For: Infinite vast oceans of growth in Divine wisdom,guidance, direction,help, assistance, clarity,insight,knowledge,under-standing together with inexhaustible [energy,zest,zeal,vigor, vitality, enthusiasm,joyful-ness,inner peace-For getting & keeping office,basements,stoage areas pristinely clean,organized,donating un-necessary items to best place

  • Prayer request from Anthony Sirianni

    Please pray for God to bless me with Spiritual Heavenly Salts, Minerals, Misc. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Jenny

    Dear God, I don’t know what the problem is. I know I have type II diabetes and some “mental health” concerns, that is, a local judge after a short trial, decided I was “mentally ill” and needed court ordered treatment, not caring that I am alone with a sick cat, not caring that mom is 7,000 miles away and disabled. I need you. Please help!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to deliver and purify Spiritual Zone Strongholds and to Replace them with His Heavenly Versions. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Please pray that goodness and mercy would follow ruby scoble and Lewis brown all the days of their lives that the lord sent his word and healed them that they would be strengthen with all might by the lords spirit in their innerman amen

  • Prayer request from Anthony Sirianni

    Pray for God to bless the World with Spiritual Heavenly Living Water Strongholds, Water Stone Strongholds, Living Waters and Blessings based in Living Waters in Earth’s Crust and below. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Please

    Full salvation to all wick enemies hold me down
    Working place

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Dear Lord, please meet Your people at each point of need and heart’s desires. Lord, I need Your help. Where do I go from here? In Jesus’ Name.

  • Prayer request from Please warrior pray

    Any spirit and alter of Jealousy and anxious be clear from my working place

    Pattern and alter of confusion and conflict assign or program by official against me receive fire
    PS 11:6-7

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    My Lord you are the great and mighty God and their is none like you in power and strength thank you for all you do and have done for me and my family and the whole world Lord help me and John on our jobs Lord Lord bring Aneiia and john back in love and remarriage Lord bring salvation to the Steele family forgive my sins Lord heal Murray Kate

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to bless the World with Spiritual Heavenly Keepsake Strongholds, Armors and Blessings. God bless!!