Covering the Earth in prayer since 2003.

Need Prayer?

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

  • Prayer request from Anthony Sirianni

    Pray for God to deliver the World from Marxist Strongholds and to replace them with His Heavenly choices. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to bless the World with Spiritual Heavenly Safe House, Refuge based Armors, Strongholds and Blessings. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony S Revelatory Request

    Pray for God to bless the World, Angels and I with Spiritual Heavenly Broccoli, Cauliflower, Stalk based Trees, Vegetables and Manna Àrmors, Strongholds and Blessings. Broccoli Trees Exist FYI and look extremely similar to Broccoli veggies. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to bless the World and All He desires with Spiritual Heavenly Ghost, Unspoken, Tower, Elder Mountain, Mine, Mantle,Core etc Strongholds, Infrastructure, Armors and Blessings. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Dear Heavenly Father, please meet Your people at each point of need and heart’s desires. Dear Lord, please direct the meeting tomorrow with the doctor or doctors. Please miraculously heal and restore my earthly father. Please show up supernaturally tomorrow in the meeting. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that before any surgery procedures that doctors would discover that You miraculously healed and restored him. I know You are able. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Please pray for God to bless the World and All He desires with Spiritual Heavenly Harlem, Various Unspoken Armors and Blessings. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Robert

    Please pray for God to bless the Lehigh Valley, PA and All He desires with Spiritual Heavenly Skyline, Horizon,Sunset, Sunrise and Related Strongholds, Armors. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Please pray for God to bless the Lehigh Valley, PA and All He desires with Spiritual Heavenly Wall and Infrastructure Wall Strongholds, Armors. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to bless the World, Angels and I with Spiritual Heavenly Crest, Colgate and Similar Mountain, Mine, Mantle etc Strongholds, Armors, Living Water Strongholds, Water Stone, Waters, Various. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Lado John

    God, arise and empower me to progress, in the name of Jesus. Every power seating on my progress in my career fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

  • Prayer request from Lado John

    Enemy of progress in my place of work, receive destruction, in the name of Jesus. Enemy of progress in my environment, receive disgrace, in the name of Jesus.

  • Prayer request from Lado John

    Oh Lord I enter the season of unstoppable progress in Jesus’ name.
    Every enemy of my progress within me wither into nothing
    My Father, I receive all I have lost in the past years.

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    My friend who suffered evil childhood full of abuse. He became Christian 3 years ago but the evil side family continues strange cruel harassment to him and his sister, causing her severe nervous breakdowns. She is hospitalized and he is fighting to help her but tired himself or the constant evil attacks

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Various Anointing Oils

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Please pray that goodness and mercy would follow me all the days of my life that God would arise in my life and his enemies be scattered that the lord would strengthen me with all might by the lords spirit in my innerman that no weapon formed against me would prosper amen

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Please pray for God to bless the World and all He desires with Spiritual Heavenly Victorian Crystal, Misc and Crystal Infrastructure Strongholds, Armors, Living Water Strongholds, Water Stone Strongholds and Blessings. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to bless the World etc with Spiritual Heavenly Dairy Strongholds,Armors, Manna and Blessings. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Please pray for God to deliver and purify Spiritual Calcium Carbonate Strongholds,Armors, Misc. For Him to Replace them with His Heavenly Choices. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to bless the World and all He desires with Spiritual Celestial Mountain, Mine, Mantle etc Strongholds Armors, Living Water Strongholds, Water Stone Strongholds, Living Waters, Various Blessings. God bless!!