Covering the Earth in prayer since 2003.

Need Prayer?

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to deliver Spiritual Black Diamond Mine and Mountain Strongholds and to replace them with His Heavenly Choices. God bless!!!

  • Prayer request from Urgent

    Lord Jesus Christ Clean all sins and inquites in our bodies and souls and spirit me and my children by blood of Jesus Christ

  • Prayer request from Workplace

    Help me and my family
    Lord Jesus Christ Any wicked witches and warzds Of wicked spirit of Delilah and Jezebel break by fire
    Lord Jesus Christ hide all our secrets from spirit of Delilah lifestyle
    Evils spy use by Delilah and jezebel

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Please pray for God to deliver and purify Spiritual Cotton Strongholds and to replace them with His Heavenly Choices. God bless!!!

  • Prayer request from Robert

    Pray for God to bless the World, Angels and I with Spiritual Heavenly Armors, Living Waters, His Blood, Manna, Power, Salves, Solves, Anointing Oils, Various Unspoken Blessings. Thanks!!

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Dear Heavenly Father, please meet Your people at each point of need and heart’s desires. Heavenly Father, is there someone nearby with the anointing of laying on of hands that You would use to touch and heal my earthly father? In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Please pray for God to deliver and purify Spiritual Charcoal Strongholds and to Replace them with His Heavenly Choices. God bless!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Please pray for God to bless the World etc with Spiritual Heavenly Festive, Festivity Based Strongholds, Armors and Blessings. God bless!!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Please pray for God to deliver and purify UnGodly Hygienic Self care Strongholds and to Replace them with His Heavenly Versions and Blessings. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Please pray for God to bless the World and I with Spiritual Heavenly Rescue Mission Armors, Strongholds and Blessings. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to bless the Angels, Infrastructures, Vehicles, Bodies and I with Spiritual Healing Armors and Strongholds based in Healing Living Waters, Salts, Water Crystal,His Blood, Sugar Cane, Unspoken, Milk!!!

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Praying for Myself , Praying I will soon get out of the financial Bondage with any illegal activity. I want to do the right things to earn money . Amen

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Aaron S. To be set free from alcohol and other wordly addictions, to renew his faith and lean on God through stressful times. And for healing in our marriage

  • Prayer request from B

    Please pray for C to find the perfect job in the name of Jesus. Thank you

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Please pray that goodness and mercy would follow me all the days of my life that God would arise in my life and his enemies be scattered that the lord would strengthen me with all might by the lords spirit in my innerman amen

  • Prayer request from Anthony Pray!!!

    Unspoken Strategic Request for the blessed health of All!!! Please pray!!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Please pray for God to Bless the World with Spiritual Heavenly Pocono Mountain, PA Waterfall Mountain Strongholds, Living Water, Living Water Strongholds, Water Stone Strongholds, Various Blessings etc. Thanks!!!

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    I have a friend that has stage 4 cancer. Athena is one of God’s warriors. Please give her the strength to beat this cancer. She has survived their expectations so please let hercontinue to beat this completely. Thank you. God bless you.

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Please pray for Jennifer my niece. She has bladder and kidneys problems. The Dr’s have not seen anything like this. Please let them find a way to fix her problems. She is giving up on life. She is only 56 years old. She is very sick. Please ask for God’s intervention. Also have a friend with stage 4 cancer. Athena is one of God’s warriors. Please

  • Prayer request from Help

    Lord Jesus Christ clean from my children any seeds spirit of speaking liars
    Bodies and spirits and souls
    Let them grow into truth of God
    Walking into truth and true spirit