Covering the Earth in prayer since 2003.

Need Prayer?

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

  • Prayer request from Anthony Sirianni

    Please pray for God to deliver, purify and bless my health and supplement order for my safety. God bless!!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony S

    Please pray for God to deliver and purify the World from Spiritual Water Well Strongholds. For Him to replace them His Heavenly Versions. God bless!!!

  • Prayer request from Tony S Revelatory Request

    Revelatory Request! Pray for God to bless the World etc with Spiritual Heavenly Heat and Water Treatment Armors to Beautify and maintain Spiritual Liquid Freshness and quality. Thanks!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Please pray for God to deliver and purify Spiritual Heavy Metal Strongholds and Armors. For Him to replace them/generate His Heavenly Replacements/Choices for these. God bless!!!

  • Prayer request from Help me

    Divine protection around our house and homes
    Every day
    Increase capacity and capabilities of angels of divine protection and garden angels of fire inside and outside
    Sealed my homes my family houses with angels of garden fire

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Holy Spirit increase injection of Best friendships with my children and Hayet Best follow ship with my children and Hayet
    Best relationships with my children and Hayet

  • Prayer request from Please

    Lord Jesus Christ Increase capacity and capabilities of Love
    And teamwork’s upon my children
    Increase capacity and capabilities of best relationship with Hayet
    Grace to Love relationship

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Please pray for God to bless the Local Angels, Area and I with Spiritual Heavenly Salves, Solves, Anointing Oils, Salts, Minerals, His Blood,Milk, Sugar, Aglaophotis, Ephedra, Grain, Misc Manna. God bless!!!

  • Prayer request from Please warriors

    Out of ignorance Joseph’s enemies paid his transport fare to his land of fulfilment… Out of ignorance Haman helped Mordecai to the place of honour… Out of ignorance Lado John and my family enemies will help us to fulfil our dreams in Jesus powerful name!!!! Amen 🙏🏻

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    One of these days very soon I hope to open my mail and see a big check in there for me. That would truly be a blessing! IJNIPA

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to bless the World, Angels and I with Spiritual Heavenly Salt, Phosphorescent, Mica and Noble Armors and Blessings. God bless!!!

  • Prayer request from Help

    Walking and growing mighty to use Divine structure of God weapons of God
    Help me to walking hard to overcome wicked system
    Growing mighty in my right living me and my family my children and Hayet

  • Prayer request from Anthony S

    Please pray for God to deliver and purify Spiritual Strongholds Based in Wickedness and Witchcraft. God bless!!!

  • Prayer request from Urgent

    Lord Jesus Christ release Clear wave by fire to uproot roots of Corruption
    And build anti corruption system
    In systems

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Please pray that today would be the day of salvation for Lisa doss and Nicole regals that the lord would take out the stoney heart and give them a heart of flesh and put his spirit opon them that they would abhor what is evil and cling to what is good that the Lord would send his ministering angel teachers and guides to lead them out of darkness in

  • Prayer request from Ron

    Continue pray for my two small children Kelvin and Kevin that God will move them out of bad situation in thier mother home. I pray that God remove this individual(Dyrall H) whom has spent most thier adult life in prison for drugs and murder. I pray that judge will see fit to remove then out this home with thier mother and that God deals withher sou

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Please pray that goodness and mercy would follow me all the days of my life that God would arise in my life and his enemies be scattered that the lord would strengthen me with all might by the lords spirit in my innerman that no weapons formed against me would prosper amen

  • Prayer request from Urgently

    Declare, if God broke through for them, in biblical He can for me! My family my children As he do, my faith rise, atmospheres will shift before me and God presence will carve a path to Victory
    Power of thanksgiving upon me through me to open doors

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Dear Lord, please calm the earth’s seismic faults, tectonic plates, volcanic mountains, raging waters, winds, storms, fires, plagues, epidemics, pandemics, and unrest. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Dear Lord, please cause this tornado threat to our area to cease and not harm us or our property. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.