Covering the Earth in prayer since 2003.

Need Prayer?

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to deliver and purify Spiritual Grenade Valley Mountain Strongholds and to replace them with His Heavenly choices. God bless!!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to deliver and purify Worlds End State Park and Canyon, Mountain Strongholds in Forksville, PA and to bless the World etc with Heavenly Strongholds based in These, Blessings,Misc. Thank

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Dear Lord, please clear the way so my brother’s flight can safely take off and land. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  • Prayer request from Anthony Revelatory Request

    Pray for God to bless the World etc with Spiritual Heavenly Dial Mountain Strongholds, Armors, Living Water Armors, Water Stone Armors, Living Waters,Misc Blessings. God bless!!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony Revelatory Request

    Pray for God to bless the World etc with Spiritual Heavenly Ajax Mountain Strongholds, Armors, Living Water Armors, Water Stone Armors, Living Waters,Misc Blessings. God bless!!!

  • Prayer request from Help me

    Every generational covenant of sickness in my children line, break by the power in the blood of Jesus, in Jesus’ name.

    Every generational bondage of sickness in my children line, break by the power in the blood of Jesus, in Jesus’ name.

    O God, arise and let stubborn generational problems in my life my children die, in the name of Jesus.

  • Prayer request from Hayet

    Healing upon my hands

  • Prayer request from Workplace

    release the power of God to destroy every witchcraft spell and incantation spoken against my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to bless the World etc with Spiritual Heavenly Unspoken Living Water Strongholds, Armors, Blessings and Unspoken Spiritual Water Purifying/Blessing/Treating Strongholds etc. Thanks!!!

  • Prayer request from Urgent

    Open doors of financial blessings to locate me from working places

  • Prayer request from Lado John

    Lord Jesus Christ please Rise generations from my children mans and woman’s of God in government and business and financial systems from my bloodline family

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Please pray that today would be the day of salvation for Lisa doss and Nicole regals that the goodness of the lord would lead them to repentance from any ocult practices that no weapons formed from them would prosper against anyone amen

  • Prayer request from Anthony Feldspar Strongholds

    Please pray for God to deliver and purify Spiritual Feldspar Strongholds and Armors. For Him to replace them with His Heavenly choices. God bless!!!

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Please pray that for this reason the son of man was manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil in these lives today Sean Hamby and hunter Hamby and Samantha Hamby that the Lord would send his word and delivered them from a spirit of rebellion and deception that today would be the day of their salvation amen

  • Prayer request from Anthony Sirianni Urgent

    Please pray for God to deliver and purify Spiritual Power Plant/Nuclear Power Plant Infrastructure, Misc Strongholds and to replace them with His Heavenly choices. God bless!!!

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Please pray that goodness and mercy would follow me all the days of my life that the Lord sent his word and healed me and delivered me that I would be strengthen with all might by the lords spirit in my innerman that God would arise in my life and his enemies be scattered amen

  • Prayer request from Anthony Sirianni

    Pray for God to deliver the World from Unspoken Non-Libation Spiritual Alcohol and Alkaline Equivalent Strongholds. For Him to replace them with His Versions and Unspoken Anointing Oils Combination Strongholds!!!

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    I need prayers that I acquire a temporary work by Monday so that I don’t fall behind on my bills. Give me favor with these families and the remote positions I’ve been applying for.In Jesus Name, Amen

  • Prayer request from Detria Harris

    Please pray for Clara Harris who is 95 and in the hospital. She may have COVID.

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to bless the World, Angels and I with Spiritual Heavenly Armors, Power, Living Waters, His Blood, Various Manna, Salves, Solves, Anointing Oils, Ointments,Salts. For Healings. God bless!!!