Covering the Earth in prayer since 2003.

Need Prayer?

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

  • Prayer request from Augie

    Praying director of our company to be fired . I am sick of how she treats me and others. She is evil and berates this who work for her. May God deal with her . In Jesus name!

  • Prayer request from Augie

    Asking for protection from director of our company she is evil and needs to be put in her place. May God avenge how she treated me and others. In Jesus name!

  • Prayer request from Augie

    Please pray for director of my department. She needs to be humbled . She berates me during our meeting and does not treat people with respect. May God deal with her . In Jesus name!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Please pray for God to bless the World and All He desires with Spiritual Heavenly Armors, Strongholds and Blessings based in the Word ‘Lide’. God bless!!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony Sirianni

    Please pray for God to bless the World and All He desires with Spiritual Heavenly Encapsulation Armors and Strongholds. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Please pray for the United States of America that Revival will be bursting at it seams. Pray out all the evil forces that are trying to take over this country that was first founded on Biblical principles.

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    I am requesting prayer for deliverance from evil forces. Please help me pray for a job, that the enemy cannot take away, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to bless the World and I with Spiritual Heavenly Fluorescent and Mica Mountain, Mine, Mantle, Cave Based Living Water Resuscitation Chamber Strongholds and Blessings. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Paula

    Please pray my mother Margaret will get help for her alcohol abuse. Pray that my son Brad will stop enabling her and see through her attempts to cause division and pain. Pray she can no longer cause division and pain in relationships and that she will see she has a problem and make things right before it is too late.

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to deliver and purify Abandoned Mine Strongholds and to Replace them with His Heavenly Choices. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Pray for Christy concerning deliverance from fear and anxiety

  • Prayer request from Suzy

    Healing up my husband body
    Break Ungodly Lock holding my husband Heath
    Restore health of my husband

  • Prayer request from help me

    Holy spirit increase power of Holiness and your golry
    Upon my body and spirit and souls
    Carrier of rightness to others
    Carrier of God orders
    Carrier of God degree lifestyle

  • Prayer request from Urgent

    Break any power of insult and accusations against me by fire and backfire them all
    Any wicked spirit of harrasrn, betrayal , envy, hurts,bitterness holding our meeting my family be bunds by fire

  • Prayer request from Anthony S

    Please pray for God to bless the World and I with Spiritual Heavenly ADE, ALE, His Blood etc Resuscitation Chamber Strongholds and Blessings. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Anthony

    Pray for God to bless the World and I with Spiritual Heavenly Concentrated/Potent Nutritional Manna Chamber Strongholds and Blessings. God bless!!

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Please pray that today would be the day of salvation for Kathy springer and Mathew mcgilvrey that the lord would take out the stoney heart and give them a heart of flesh and put his spirit upon them that they would hunger and thirst after righteousness amen

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Please pray that today would be the day of salvation for Nicole regals and Lisa doss that the lord would take out the stoney heart and give them a heart of flesh and put his spirit upon them that they would abhor what is evil and cling to what is good that today would be the day of salvation amen

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Please pray that today would be the day of salvation for thereasa and rich regals and Nicole regals that the lord would take out the stoney heart and give them a heart of flesh and put his spirit upon them that they would abhor what is evil and cling to what is good that the lord would send his ministering angels teachers and guides to lead them ou

  • Prayer request from Anonymous

    Please pray that goodness and mercy would follow me all the days of my life that God would arise and his enemies be scattered that the lord would strengthen me with all might by the lords spirit in my innerman that I would be strong in the lord and the power of his might that no weapon formed against me would prosper amen